The power of a healthy company culture
At Sevensense, we consider company culture to be something very important. That's why we have initiated some efforts to strengthen it in our company.
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A good workplace culture matters!
At Sevensense, we believe that our culture as a company is an integral part of our business as it reflects the personality and character of our entire team. If a sincere and healthy workplace culture is present, team members can clearly see the value in their work and identify with the company’s goals. That's why want everyone to be able to relate to our common values that shape our workplace culture on a daily basis, in order to feel comfortable at work and be even more motivated to succeed at their jobs.
"If you hire great people, they need nothing more but the freedom to be great." - Gregory Hitz, CEO
For us, a healthy workplace culture provides everyone with the autonomy to initiate change and to grow not only on a professional but also on a personal level. It also promotes openness and encourages company members to voice their opinions and chase after the values they believe in. All in all, it makes our workforce happy and thus increases productivity as well as creativity in solving hard problems. As a fast growing company, we at Sevensense are committed to promoting our concept of a healthy working culture.
Shaping Culture at Sevensense
The topic of a stable and healthy culture has naturally become more prominent as a result of our rapid growth. We want to ensure that our culture keeps pace with our company developments in a sustainable way. As a result, we decided to organize an engaging team challenge as well as an inspiring brainstorming on the topic of workplace culture. The aim was to not only raise the awareness and understanding within the team, but also to provide space for the inclusion of individual values and give the thoughts of all team members a strong voice.
Our Team Challenge
First, we gave our team a little challenge. Everyone should individually think about how they would describe life at Sevensense. This gave lots of room for answers but there was one rule: the answer had to fit into one sentence. This allowed each of us to already focus on personally important attributes of the company and general thoughts we relate to Sevensense. This way, everyone could warm up for the next important task to come. Of course the challenge also had a winning sentence that was chosen by the whole team. Here's our favourite sentence by Alessandro:
"We don't work on the 7 wonders, we don't work 24/7, we don't work on the 7 hills of Rome, but in 7th heaven here in Zurich for the 7th sense of robots" - Alessandro, Perception Engineer
Check out some more answers in the video below!
Defining our values
We are convinced that the culture and therefore the values of our company cannot be determined arbitrarily and without the involvement of all stakeholders. In fact, they are already alive and live on in every team member. We were curious to know which values these are in order to ensure that we can consciously sustain them. Therefore we conducted a brainstorming session in which our team first discussed common goals and visions of Sevensense and then focused on the core values of the company.

Everyone was asked to write down their most important personal values in the workplace and then hang them up in groups one after the other. This way we were able to evaluate what is important to each Sevensense member and therefore to Sevensense as a whole. In other words, our core values:

We thank the whole Sevensense team for this amazing work on finding out what matters to us the most and giving their valuable inputs for our corporate culture. Of course, all that hard work was rewarded with a good slice of pizza! We will definitely continue to strengthen Sevensense's workplace culture, so stay tuned!
At Sevensense passionate and motivated individuals work towards the same goals. As a team, we want to achieve the best quality of our products for our customers. A strong company culture where every individual has an impact and a powerful voice, allows us to do our very best. Together.